Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Social Networking

A lot of excellent & 'interesting' ideas covered during this process some however I have a problem with usefulness for libraries (such as facebook).

The process has given the opertunity to explore options that may have otherwise dismissed (such as blogs, wikis etc)

I have created a Facebook page (as a lot of friends have done), & find it completely confusing jumble of nonesence


I do not like this tool & first thought was WHY would a library use.

I then thought of storytimes, authot talks etc (subject to copyright).

After reading other comments I could see advantage of posible usage for home library service patrons, this would 'link' them better to the library by able to benefit from all library programs.

Answer boards and social searching

Answer boards are a great way for the public to get general feedback or answers to direct questions.

I however feel that libraries should encourage use of local 'ask a librarian' online or in person.

Another option to keep it local is to set up a site for local business, residents etc to contribute answers, hopefully bringing the community closer & show diversity of knowledge.


I found this very interesting & can see benefit for book clubs etc.

The video gave me more ideas of how this an be used by the general public (me included), had always thought Wiki's a trend, but now realise very useful.